
Dr. Andrés Baselga

Papers in JCR journals


    104. Simon-Lledó E, Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Metaxas A, Amon DJ, Bribiesca-Contreras G, Durden JM, Fleming B, Mejía-Saenz A, Taboada S, Van Audenhaege L, Jones DOB. 2025. Marked variability in distance-decay patterns suggests contrasting dispersal ability in abyssal taxa. Global Ecology and Biogeography 34: e13956. [pdf]


    103. Formoso-Freire V, Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C. 2024. Climatic stability predicts the congruence between species abundance and genetic diversity. Ecography: e07200 [pdf] [visual abstract]

    102. Martín-Devasa R, Jiménez-Valverde A, Leprieur F, Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C. 2024. Dispersal limitation shapes distance-decay patterns of European spiders at the continental scale. Global Ecology and Biogeography 33: e13810 [pdf]

    101. Rodríguez-Pacheco A, Formoso-Freire V, Lorenzo-Carballa MO, Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C. 2024. Thermophilization and reshuffling of montane leaf beetle communities over a two decade period. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 62: 321-331 [pdf] [visual abstract]


    100. Formoso-Freire V, Barbosa AM, Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C. 2023. Predicting the spatio-temporal pattern of range expansion under lack of equilibrium with climate. Biological Conservation 288: 110361 [pdf] [visual abstract]

    99. Burton VJ, Baselga A, De Palma A, Phillips HRP, Mulder C, Eggleton P, Purvis A. 2023. Effects of land use and soil properties on taxon richness and abundance of soil assemblages. European Journal of Soil Science 74: e13430 [pdf]

    98. Shimabukuro EM, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Lamas CJE, Baselga A. 2023. Mountain passes are higher at low latitudes for madicolous insect communities of Neotropical region. Diversity and Distributions 29: 1118-1128 [pdf]

    97. Konstantinov AS, Baselga A, Anderson RS, Carlton C, Gusarov VI, Ivie MA, Owens BE, Sokolov IM, Tishechkin AK. 2023. Moss-inhabiting beetles of the West Indies (Insecta: Coleoptera). Journal of Insect Biodiversity 38(2): 048-072 [pdf]

    96. Wu G, Chen D, Zhou Z, Ye Q, Baselga A, Liu H, Wen Y, Nong S. 2023. Climatic niche divergence explains angiosperm diversification across clades in China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 61: 698-708 [pdf]

    95. Boquete MT, Varela Z, Fernández JA, Calleja JA, Branquinho C, Chilà A, Cronberg N, Cruz de Carvalho R, Aleixo C, Estébanez-Pérez B, Fernández-González V, Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C, González-Mancebo JM, Leblond S, Martínez-Abaigar J, Medina NG, Núñez-Olivera E, Patiño J, Retuerto R, Vázquez-Arias A, Vanderpoorten A, Zechmeister HG, Aboal JR. 2023. Current and historical factors drive variation of reproductive traits in unisexual mosses in Europe: A case study. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 61: 213-226 [pdf]


    94. Martín-Devasa R, Martínez-Santalla S, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Crujeiras RM, Baselga A. 2022. Comparing distance-decay parameters: a novel test under pairwise dependence. Ecological Informatics 72: 101894 [pdf]

    93. Martín-Devasa R, Martínez-Santalla S, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Crujeiras RM, Baselga A. 2022. Species range size shapes distance decay in community similarity. Diversity and Distributions 28: 1348-1357 [pdf]

    92. Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Araújo MB, Castro-Insua A, Arenas M, Posada D, Vogler AP. 2022. Joint analysis of species and genetic variation to quantify the role of dispersal and environmental constraints in community turnover. Ecography 2022: e05808 [pdf]

    91. Martínez-Santalla S, Martín-Devasa R, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Crujeiras RM, Baselga A. 2022. Assessing the non-linear decay of community similarity: permutation and site-block resampling significance tests. Journal of Biogeography 49: 968-978 [pdf]

    90. Dambros C, Cáceres N, Baselga A. 2022. The prevalence of temperature and dispersal limitation as drivers of diversity in Neotropical small mammals. Austral Ecology 47: 567-579 [pdf]

    89. Folgar-Cameán Y, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Konstantinov AS, Baselga A. 2022. Hiding among holes: mechanisms underlying the evolution of masquerade in flea beetles (Chrysomelidae). Ecological Entomology 47: 137-145 [pdf]


    88. Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C. 2021. Assessing the equilibrium between assemblage composition and climate: a directional distance-decay approach. Journal of Animal Ecology 90: 1906-1918 [pdf]

    87. Kusumoto B, Kubota Y, Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Matthews TJ, Murphy DJ, Shiono T. 2021. Community dissimilarity of angiosperm trees reveals deep-time diversification across tropical and temperate forests. Journal of Vegetation Science 32: e13017 [pdf]


    86. Gómez-Rodríguez C, Miller KE, Castillejo J, Iglesias-Piñeiro J, Baselga A. 2020. Disparate dispersal limitation in Geomalacus slugs unveiled by the shape and slope of the genetic-spatial distance relationship. Ecography 43: 1229-1240 [pdf]

    85. Yasuhara M, Wei C-L, Kucera M, Costello MJ, Tittensor DP, Kiessling W, Bonebrake TC, Tabor CR, Feng R, Baselga A, Kretschmer K, Kusumoto B, Kubota Y. 2020. Past and future decline of tropical pelagic biodiversity. PNAS 117: 12891-12896 [pdf]


    84. Miller KE, Inward DJG, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Baselga A, Vogler AP. 2019. Predicting the unpredictable: How host specific are the mycobiota of bark and ambrosia beetles? Fungal Ecology 42: 1008542 [pdf]

    83. Matthews TJ, Aspin TWH, Ulrich W, Baselga A, Kubota Y, Proios K, Triantis KA, Whittaker RJ, Strona G. 2019. Can additive beta diversity be reliably partitioned into nestedness and turnover components? Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 1146-1154 [pdf]

    82. Gómez-Rodríguez C, Miller KE, Castillejo J, Iglesias-Piñeiro J, Baselga A. 2019. Understanding dispersal limitation through the assessment of diversity patterns across phylogenetic scales below the species level. Global Ecology and Biogeography 28: 353-364 [pdf]


    81. Castro-Insua A, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Baselga A. 2018. Dissimilarity measures affected by richness differences yield biased delimitations of biogeographic realms. Nature Communications 9: 5084, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06291-1 [pdf]

    80. Gómez-Rodríguez C, Baselga A. 2018. Variation among European beetle taxa in patterns of distance decay of similarity suggests a major role of dispersal processes. Ecography 41: 1825-1834 [pdf]

    79. Martín-Devasa R, Baselga A. 2018. What caused the disjunct distributions of the Lachnaia tristigma species-group (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) on the Iberian peninsula? Coleopterists Bulletin 72: 421-426 [pdf]

    78. Castro-Insua A, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Wiens JJ, Baselga A. 2018. Climatic niche divergence drives patterns of diversification and richness among mammal families. Scientific Reports 8:8781 [pdf]

    77. Ulrich W, Kubota Y, Kusumoto B, Baselga A, Tuomisto H, Gotelli NJ. 2018. Species richness correlates of raw and standardized co-occurrence metrics. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27:395-399 [pdf]

    76. Castro-Insua A, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Svenning JC, Baselga A. 2018. A new macroecological pattern: the latitudinal gradient in species range shape. Global Ecology and Biogeography 27: 357-367 [pdf]


    75. Freijeiro A, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Castro-Insua A, Baselga A. 2017. Optimising taxonomic effort to overcome the Linnean shortfall: the case of European leaf beetles. Insect Conservation and Diversity 10: 439-447 [pdf]

    74. Baselga A. 2017. Partitioning abundance-based multiple-site dissimilarity into components: balanced variation in abundance and abundance gradients. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 8: 799-808 [pdf] [code]

    73. Norhazrina N, Wang J, Hagborg A, Geffert JL, Mutke J, Gradstein SR, Baselga A, Vanderpoorten A, Patiño J. 2017. Tropical moss and liverwort floras: a homogeneous assemblage of highly mobile species? Insights from their spatial patterns of beta diversity. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 183: 16-24 [pdf]

    72. Si X, Cadotte M, Zeng D, Baselga A, Zhao Y, Li J, Wu Y, Wang S, Ding P. 2017. Functional and phylogenetic structure of island bird communities. Journal of Animal Ecology 86: 532-542 [pdf]

    71. Maceda-Veiga A, Baselga A, Sousa R, Vilà M, Doadrio I, de Sostoa A. 2017. Fine-scale determinants of conservation value of river reaches in a hotspot of native and non-native species diversity. Science of the Total Environment 574: 455-466 [pdf]

    70. Ulrich W, Baselga A, Kusumoto B, Shiono T, Tuomisto H, Kubota Y. 2017. The tangled link between α- and γ-diversity: a Narcissus effect weakens statistical inferences in null model analyses of diversity patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography 26: 1-5 [pdf]


    69. Castro-Insua A, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Baselga A. 2016. Break the pattern: breakpoints in beta-diversity of vertebrates are general across clades and suggest common non-contemporary causes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 25: 1279-1283 [pdf]

    68. Freijeiro A, Baselga A. 2016. Spatial and environmental correlates of species richness and turnover patterns in European cryptocephaline and chrysomeline beetles. ZooKeys 597: 81-99 [pdf]

    67. Mateo RG, Broennimann O, Normand S, Petitpierre B, Araújo MB, Svenning JC, Baselga A, Fernández-González F, Gómez-Rubio V, Muñoz J, Suarez GM, Luoto M, Guisan A, Vanderpoorten A. 2016. The mossy North: an inverse latitudinal diversity gradient in European bryophytes. Scientific Reports 6:25546 [pdf]

    66. Si X, Baselga A, Leprieur F, Song X, Ding P. 2016. Selective extinction drives taxonomic and functional alpha and beta diversities in island bird assemblages. Journal of Animal Ecology 85: 409-418 [pdf]


    65. Murray K, Baselga A. 2015. Reply to Chen and Schmera: Partitioning beta diversity into replacement and nestedness-resultant components is not controversial. PNAS 112(52): E7162 [pdf]

    64. Novoa F, Gañán I, Baselga A. 2015. Descriptions of two new species of Calathus Bonelli (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Harpalinae) from Ethiopia. Coleopterists Bulletin 69(4):713-722 [pdf]

    63. Baselga A, Leprieur, F. 2015. Comparing methods to separate components of beta diversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 1069-1079 [pdf]

    In this paper we compare the alternative methods for partitioning beta diversity into replacement and nestedness (or richness difference) components: BAS framework (Baselga 2010, Global Ecol. Biogeogr. 19: 134-143) vs. POD framework (Podani & Schmera 2011, Oikos 120: 1625-1638). As already noted by Legendre (2014: Interpreting the replacement and richness difference components of beta diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23: 1324-1334) the nestedness-resultant and richness-difference components of BAS and POD frameworks, respectively, account for different concepts. We here have shown that the so-called replacement components of BAS and POD frameworks do also account for different concepts. Therefore both partitioning frameworks are only partially related, and quantify different properties of assemblages. We here further evaluate the differences of performance and show that only the replacement component of BAS framework is independnent of richness difference.

    62. Gómez-Rodríguez C, Crampton-Platt A, Timmermans MJTN, Baselga A, Vogler AP. 2015. Validating the power of mitochondrial metagenomics for community ecology and phylogenetics of complex assemblages. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6: 883-894 [pdf]

    61. Gómez-Rodríguez C, Freijeiro A, Baselga A. 2015. Dispersal and ecological traits explain differences in beta diversity patterns of European beetles. Journal of Biogeography 42: 1526-1537 [pdf]

    60. Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Vogler AP. 2015. Multi-hierarchical macroecology at species and genetic levels to discern neutral and non-neutral processes. Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 873-882 [pdf]

    59. Bezdek J, Baselga A. 2015. Revision of western Palaearctic species of the Oulema melanopus group, with description of two new species from Europe (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Criocerinae). Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 55: 273-304 [pdf]

    58. Baselga A, Bonthoux S, Balent G. 2015. Temporal beta diversity of bird assemblages in agricultural landscapes: land cover change vs. stochastic processes. PLoS ONE 10: e0127913. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0127913 [pdf]

    57. Si X, Baselga A, Ding P. 2015. Revealing beta-diversity patterns of breeding bird and lizard communities on inundated land-bridge islands by separating the turnover and nestedness components. PLoS ONE 10: e0127692. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0127692 [pdf]

    56. Gómez-Rodríguez C, Baselga A, Wiens JJ. 2015. Is diversification rate related to climatic niche width? Global Ecology and Biogeography 24: 383-395 [pdf]


    55. Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Novoa F, Vogler AP. 2013. Rare failures of DNA bar codes to separate morphologically distinct species in a biodiversity survey of Iberian leaf beetles. PLoS ONE 8(9): e74854 [pdf]

    54. Baselga A, Fujisawa T, Crampton-Platt A, Bergsten J, Foster PG, Monaghan MT, Vogler AP. 2013. Whole-community DNA barcoding reveals a spatio-temporal continuum of biodiversity at species and genetic levels. Nature Communications 4: 1892, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms2881 [pdf]

    53. Baselga A. 2013. Separating the two components of abundance-based dissimilarity: balanced changes in abundance vs. abundance gradients. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 4: 552-557 [pdf]

    52. Baselga A. 2013. Multiple site dissimilarity quantifies compositional heterogeneity among several sites, while average pairwise dissimilarity may be misleading. Ecography 36: 124-128 [pdf] Highlighted by the Editor

    51. Aranda SC, Gabriel R, Borges PAV, Santos AMC, Hortal J, Baselga A, Lobo JM. 2013. How do different dispersal modes shape the species-area relationship? Evidence for between-group coherence in the Macaronesian flora. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22: 483-493 [pdf]

    50. Bonthoux S, Baselga A, Balent G. 2013. Assessing community-level and single-species models predictions of species distributions and assemblage composition after 25 years of land cover change. PLoS ONE 8(1): e54179. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0054179 [pdf]


    49. Baselga A, Orme CDL. 2012. betapart: an R package for the study of beta diversity. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 3: 808-812 [pdf]

    48. Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Lobo JM. 2012. Historical legacies in world amphibian diversity revealed by the turnover and nestedness components of beta diversity. PLoS ONE 7(2): e32341. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0032341 [pdf]

    47. Baselga A. 2012. The relationship between species replacement, dissimilarity derived from nestedness, and nestedness. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 1223-1232 [pdf]

    In this paper I review the concepts and methods related to the partition of beta diversity into turnover and nestedness components. Three recent papers are commented: Podani, J. & Schmera, D. (2011) A new conceptual and methodological framework for exploring and explaining pattern in presence - absence data. Oikos, 120, 1625-1638; Carvalho, J. C., Cardoso, P. & Gomes, P. Determining the relative roles of species replacement and species richness differences in generating beta-diversity patterns. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 760-771; and Almeida-Neto, M., Frensel, D. M. B. & Ulrich, W. Rethinking the relationship between nestedness and beta diversity: a comment on Baselga (2010). Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 772-777

    46. Baselga A, Lobo JM, Svenning JC, Aragón P, Araújo MB. 2012. Dispersal ability modulates the strength of the latitudinal richness gradient in European beetles. Global Ecology and Biogeography 21: 1106-1113 [pdf]

    45. Fattorini S, Baselga A. 2012. Species richness and turnover patterns in European tenebrionid beetles. Insect Conservation and Diversity 5: 331-345 [pdf]

    44. Baselga A, Lobo JM, Svenning JC, Araújo MB. 2012. Global patterns in the shape of species geographical ranges reveal range determinants. Journal of Biogeography 39: 760-771 [pdf]


    43. Baselga A, Recuero E, Parra-Olea G, García-París M. 2011. Phylogenetic patterns in zopherine beetles are related to ecological niche width and dispersal limitation. Molecular Ecology 20: 5060-5073 [pdf]

    42. Hortal J, Diniz-Filho JAF, Bini LM, Rodríguez MA, Baselga A, Nogués-Bravo D, Rangel TF, Hawkins BA, Lobo JM. 2011. Ice age climate, evolutionary constraints and diversity patterns of European dung beetles. Ecology Letters 14: 741-748 [pdf]

    41. Svenning JC, Fløjgaard C, Baselga A. 2011. Climate, history and neutrality as drivers of mammal beta diversity in Europe: insights from multiscale deconstruction. Journal of Animal Ecology 80: 393-402 [pdf]


    40. Valladares LF, Baselga A, Garrido J. 2010. Diversity of water beetles in the Picos de Europa National Park, Spain: inventory completeness and conservation assessment. Coleopterists Bulletin 64(3): 201-219 [pdf] Col. Bull. 2010 Best Paper Award

    39. Baselga A, Araújo MB. 2010. Do community-level models describe community variation effectively? Journal of Biogeography 37: 1842-1850 [pdf]

    38. Aragón P, Baselga A, Lobo JM. 2010. Global estimation of invasion risk zones for the western corn rootworm Diabrotica virgifera virgifera: integrating distribution models and physiological thresholds to assess climatic favourability. Journal of Applied Ecology 47: 1026-1035 [pdf]

    37. Baselga A. 2010. Multiplicative partition of true diversity yields independent alpha and beta components, additive partition does not. Ecology 91: 1974-1981 [pdf]

    36. Baselga A. 2010. The type locality of Psylliodes cucullatus (Illiger) (Chrysomelidae). Coleopterists Bulletin 64(2): 122-123 [pdf]

    35. Baselga A. 2010. The mature larva of Gonioctena variabilis (Olivier, 1790) Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae) and key to the larvae of the subgenus Spartoxena. Zookeys 33: 19-27 [pdf]

    34. Baselga A. 2010. Partitioning the turnover and nestedness components of beta diversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 19(1): 134-143 [pdf] Most cited 2010 GEB paper

    33. Jiménez-Valverde A, Baselga A, Melic A, Txasko N. 2010. Climate and regional beta-diversity gradients in spiders: dispersal capacity has nothing to say? Insect Conservation and Diversity 3(1): 51-60 [pdf]

    32. Baselga A, Lobo JM, Hortal J, Jiménez-Valverde A, Gómez JF. 2010. Assessing alpha and beta taxonomy in Eupelmid wasps: Determinants of the probability of describing good species and synonyms. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 48(1): 40-49 [pdf]


    31. Baselga A, Araújo MB. 2009. Individualistic vs. community modelling of species distributions under climate change. Ecography 32(1): 55-65 [pdf]

    30. Baselga A, Parra-Olea G, García-París, M. 2009. Distribution of Verodes aequalis (Coleoptera: Zopheridae), a poorly known species from the cloud forests of Mexico. Florida Entomologist 92(2): 377-378 [pdf]

    29. Bini LM, Diniz-Filho JAF, Rangel TFLVB, Albuquerque FS, Araújo MB, Baselga A, Beck J, Bellocq MI, Böhning-Gaese K, Borges PAV, Cabrero-Sañudo FJ, Castro-Parga I, Chey VK, De Marco P, Ferrer-Castán D, Field R, Filloy J, Fleishman E, Gómez JF, Greve M, Guil N, Hortal J, Iverson JB, Kerr JT, Kissling D, Kitching IJ, León-Cortés JL, Levi C, Lobo JM, Oberdorff T, Olalla-Tárraga MÁ, Pausas JG, Qian H, Rahbek C, Rodríguez MÁ, Ruggiero A, Sackman P, Sanders NJ, Williams P, Hawkins BA. 2009. Coefficient shifts in geographical ecology: an empirical evaluation of spatial and non-spatial regression. Ecography 32(2): 193-204 [pdf]


    28. Gañán I, Baselga A, Novoa F. 2008. Diversity patterns in Iberian Calathus (Coleoptera, Carabidae: Harpalinae): species turnover shows a story overlooked by species richness. Environmental Entomology 37: 1488-1497 [pdf]

    27. Jiménez-Valverde A, Gómez JF, Lobo JM, Baselga A, Hortal J. 2008. Challenging species distribution models: the case of Maculinea nausithous in the Iberian Peninsula. Annales Zoologici Fennici 45: 200-210 [pdf]

    26. Hortal J, Jiménez-Valverde A, Gómez JF, Lobo JM, Baselga A. 2008. Historical bias in biodiversity inventories affects the observed environmental niche of the species. Oikos 117: 847-858 [pdf]

    25. Baselga A. 2008b. Description of the mature larva of Gonioctena pseudogobanzi Kippenberg, 2001 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae) and key to the larvae of the subgenus Spartoxena. Zootaxa 1745: 47-54 [pdf]

    24. Baselga A. 2008a. Determinants of species richness, endemism and turnover in European longhorn beetles. Ecography 31: 263-271 [pdf]

    23. Baselga A, Novoa F. 2008. Coleoptera in a relict forest of Spain: implications of hyperdiverse taxa for conservation strategies. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 101: 402-410 [pdf]


    22. Baselga A. 2007c. The female genitalia of the Gonioctena Chevrolat, 1837 of the subgenus Spartoxena Motschulsky, 1860. Journal of Natural History 41(37-40): 2411-2418 [pdf]

    21. Baselga A. 2007b. Disentangling distance decay of similarity from richness gradients: response to Soininen et al. 2007. Ecography 30: 838-841 [pdf]

    20. Baselga A, Jiménez-Valverde A, Niccolini G. 2007. A multiple-site similarity measure independent of richness. Biology Letters 3(6): 642-645 [pdf]

    19. González J, Baselga A, Novoa F. 2007. Diversity of water beetles (Coleoptera: Gyrinidae, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Hygrobiidae, Dytiscidae and Hydrophilidae) in Galicia, Northwest Spain: estimating the completeness of the regional inventory. Coleopterists Bulletin 61(1): 95-110 [pdf]

    18. Baselga A, Hortal J, Jiménez-Valverde A, Gómez JF, Lobo JM. 2007. Which leaf beetles have not yet been described? Determinants of the description of Western Palaearctic Aphthona species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Biodiversity and Conservation 16(5): 1409-1421 [pdf]

    17. Baselga A, Novoa F. 2007. Diversity of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) at a mountain range in the limit of the Eurosiberian region, northwest Spain: species richness and beta diversity. Entomologica Fennica 18: 65-73 [pdf]

    16. Baselga A, Jiménez-Valverde A. 2007. Environmental and geographical determinants of beta diversity of leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in the Iberian Peninsula. Ecological Entomology 32: 312-318 [pdf]

    15. Novoa F., Baselga A. 2007. Two new species of Hesperotyphlus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Leptotyphlinae) from Arribes del Duero, Spain and keys to the H. besucheti and H. beirensis species groups. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 100(4): 444-448 [pdf]

    14. Baselga A. 2007a. Description of the mature larva of Gastrophysa janthina (Suffrian, 1851) [G. unicolor auct.] (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae) and key to the larvae of the European Gastrophysa. Zootaxa 1594: 61-68 [pdf]

    13. Lobo JM, Baselga A, Hortal J, Jiménez-Valverde A, Gómez JF. 2007. How does the knowledge about the spatial distribution of Iberian dung beetle species accumulate over time? Diversity and Distributions 13: 772-780 [pdf]

    12. Baselga A, Ruiz-García, J. 2007. Revision of the Lachnaia tristigma (Lacordaire) species group (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and description of a new species. Zootaxa 1630: 39-46 [pdf]


    11. Baselga A, Novoa F. 2006b. Description of the mature larva of Hydrothassa fairmairei (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and key to the larvae of the genus. Zootaxa 1344: 23-31 [pdf]

    10. Baselga A. 2006. The Northeastern Palaearctic light coloured Neocrepidodera Heikertinger, 1911 (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), with description of a new species. Zootaxa 1246: 55-68 [pdf]

    9. Baselga A, Novoa F. 2006a. Diversity of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) in Galicia, Northwest Spain: estimating the completeness of the regional inventory. Biodiversity and Conservation 15: 205-230 [pdf]


    8. Baselga A, Novoa F. 2005b. The Western Palaearctic Neocrepidodera (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) of the N. impressa and N. ferruginea species groups. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 98(6): 896-907 [pdf]

    7. Baselga A, Novoa F. 2005a. Faunistic heterogeneity across Eurosiberian-Mediterranean boundary: the case of the Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from Galicia, Spain. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 98(4): 558-564 [pdf]


    6. Baselga A, Novoa F. 2004a. Larvae of the Gonioctena subgenus Spartoxena: description of mature larvae of G. leprieuri and G. aegrota (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Chrysomelinae). Canadian Entomologist 136(3): 313-321 [pdf]


    5. Baselga A, Novoa F. 2003a. A new species of Psylliodes (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) and key to the wingless species from the Iberian Peninsula. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 96(6): 689-692 [pdf]

    4. Novoa F, Baselga A. 2003. A new species of Hesperotyphlus (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Leptotyphlinae) from Spain and key to the Hesperotyphlus besucheti species group. Annals of the Entomological Society of America 96(5): 625-630 [pdf]


    3. Baselga A, Novoa F. 2002b. New species of Aphthona (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Alticinae) and key to Iberian species of Aphthona hammarstroemi group. Canadian Entomologist 134(1): 1-7 [pdf]

    2. Novoa F, Baselga A. 2002. A new Mayetia Mulsant and Rey (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Pselaphinae) from Galicia (Northwest of Spain). Coleopterists Bulletin 56(4): 541-546 [pdf]


    1. Novoa F, Baselga A. 2000. A New Species of Ernobius Thomson (Coleoptera: Anobiidae: Ernobiinae) from the Cíes Islands, Spain. Coleopterists Bulletin 54(3): 403-407 [pdf]

Other papers

  • Martínez-Santalla, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Baselga A. 2024. Análisis del descenso de la similitud biótica con la distancia espacial (distance-decay) en Ecología de Comunidades y Biogeografía. Nova Acta Científica Compostelana 31: nacc.id9763 [In Spanish] [pdf]

  • Baselga A, Gómez-Rodríguez C. 2019. Diversidad alfa, beta y gamma: ¿cómo medimos diferencias entre comunidades biológicas?. Nova Acta Científica Compostelana 26: 39-45 [In Spanish] [pdf]

  • Castillejo J, Iglesias J, Gómez-Rodríguez C, Baselga A. 2019. The status of the species of the genus Geomalacus Allman, 1843 in the Iberian Peninsula (Gastropoda, Pulmonata, Arionidae). Nova Acta Científica Compostelana 26: 65-108 [In Spanish] [pdf]

  • Novoa F, Gañán I, Campos A, Fernández AB, Santiago M, González J, Baselga A. 2014. Coleoptera from Parque Natural Serra da Enciña da Lastra (Galicia, northwest Iberian Peninsula). Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 38 (1-2): 91-130 [In Spanish]

  • Gañán I, Novoa F, Baselga A. 2010. Revision of genus Calathus Bonelli, 1810 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Harpalinae) in the Iberian Peninsula and Baleares: Taxonomy and distribution. Elytron 22-23: 99-146 [In Spanish]

  • González JM, Novoa F, Baselga A. 2005. Aquatic beetles of Sierra de Xistral, northwest of the Iberian Peninsula (Coleoptera : Gyrinidea, Haliplidae, Noteridae, Dystiscidae and Hydrophilidae). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 22(2): 107-115 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2004c. The Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales (Madrid) Iberian collection of Cryptocephalus (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) of the species groups of C. sericeus (Linne, 1758), C. hypochaeridis (Linne, 1758) and C. violaceus Laicharting, 1781. Graellsia 60(1): 95-99 [In Spanish] [pdf]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2004b. Coleoptera from Parque Natural de las Fragas del Eume (Galicia, north-western Iberian Peninsula), II: Scarabaeoidea, Buprestoidea, Byrrhoidea, Elateroidea, Bostrichoidea, Lymexyloidea, Cleroidea, Cucujoidea, Tenebrionoidea, Chrysomeloidea and Curculionoidea. Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 28(1-2): 121-143 [In Spanish] [pdf]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2003d. First citation of Cryptocephalus convergens Sassi, 2001 from Spain (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 20(4): 351-352 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2003c. The Chrysomelidae of the Arribes del Duero, northwest of the Iberian Peninsula (Coleoptera). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 20(2): 117-131 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2003b. New records of Buprestidae (Coleoptera) from Galicia (northwest of the Iberian Peninsula). Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 27(1-4): 217-219 [In Spanish]

  • Novoa F, Baselga A, González J, Campos A. 2003. Coleoptera from Parque Natural de las Fragas del Eume (Galicia, north-western Iberian Peninsula), I: Adephaga, Hydrophiloidea and Staphylinoidea. Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 27(1-4): 71-91 [In Spanish]

  • Vázquez MA, Costas M, Novoa F, Baselga A. 2003. Contribution to the knowledge of the Heteroptera from Islas Cíes (Galicia, northwest of the Iberian Peninsula). Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 27(1-4): 149-155 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2002c. Donacia galaica Báguena, 1959, a little known species from northwest of the Iberic Peninsula (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 19(3): 229-233 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2002a. The Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from the eastern mountain ranges of Ourense (Galicia, northwest Iberian Peninsula). Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 26(3-4): 57-73 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2001b. Phyllotreta ganglbaueri Heikertinger, 1909, new species for the Iberian Peninsula (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 18(1): 89-90 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2001a. New records of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from Galicia (northwest of the Iberian Peninsula). Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 25(1-2): 125-131 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2000g. New and interesting records of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from the northeast of the Iberian peninsula. Nova Acta Ceintífica Compostelana (Bioloxía) 10: 101-102 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2000f. Chrysomelidae of Sierra de Ancares, north-west of Spain (Coleoptera). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 17(2): 165-180 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2000e. Cryptocephalus cantabricus Franz, a poorly known endemic species from the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Koleopterologische Rundschau 70: 191-195

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2000d. The Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) of the dunes from Galicia (northwest of Spain). Boletín de la Real Sociedad española de Historia Natural (Sec. Biol.) 96(1-2): 113-124 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2000c. New records of Anobiidae (Coleoptera) from Galicia (Iberian Peninsula). Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 24(3-4): 211-212 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2000b. New or interesting records of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from the north of the Iberian Peninsula. Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 24(3-4): 15-22 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2000a. Interesting records of Buprestidae (Coleoptera) from the Northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 24(1-2): 13-17 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 1999e. The collection of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) of the Museo de Historia Natural Luis Iglesias (Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain). Nova Acta Ceintífica Compostelana (Bioloxía) 9: 307-312 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 1999d. Phyllotreta astrachanica Lopatin, 1977, new species for Spain (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 16(4): 326 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 1999c. New records of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 23(3-4): 231-237 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 1999b. Two Anobiidae (Coleoptera) new for Galicia and the Iberian Peninsula. Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 23(3-4): 333 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 1999a. Interesting records of Alticinae (Coleoptera, Chrysomelidae) from the Iberian Peninsula. Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 23(1-2): 53-57 [In Spanish]

  • Novoa F, Campos A, Baselga A. 1999. Check-list of orthopteroids of the Parque Natural de las Islas Cies (Galicia, northwest of the Iberian Peninsula). Nova Acta Ceintífica Compostelana (Bioloxía) 9: 301-306 [In Spanish]

  • Novoa F, Baselga A, Campos A. 1999. Check-list of Coleoptera from Parque Natural de las Islas Cies (Galicia, northwest Iberian Peninsula). Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 23(1-2): 293-314 [In Spanish]

  • Novoa F, Baselga A. 1999. Carabidae of west central Rif; Morocco (Coleoptera). Nouvelle Revue d'Entomologie (N.S.) 16(4): 311-325 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 1998b. New or interesting records of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Boletín de la Asociación española de Entomología 22(3-4): 246-248 [In Spanish]

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 1998a. New records of Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) from the Iberian Peninsula. Nova Acta Ceintífica Compostelana (Bioloxía) 8: 301-302 [In Spanish]

  • Novoa F, Baselga A, Campos A. 1998. A check-list of Coleoptera (Carabidae, Staphylinidae and Chrysomelidae) of dunes and border of lagoons from Parque Natural de Corrubedo (Galicia, northwest Iberian Peninsula). Nova Acta Ceintífica Compostelana (Bioloxía) 8: 281-295 [In Spanish]

Books and book chapters

  • Cerezer FO, Cáceres NC, Baselga A. 2022. Species richness and beta diversity patterns of American marsupials. In N. C. Cáceres & C. R. Dickman (Eds.), American and Australasian Marsupials: An Evolutionary, Biogeographical, and Ecological Approach (pp. 1-16). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-88800-8_13-2

  • Konstantinov AS, Baselga A, Grebennikov VV, Prena J, Lingafelter SW. 2011. Revision of the Palearctic Chaetocnema species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae: Alticini). Pensoft Publishers. 363 pp. [pdf]

  • Novoa F, Baselga A, Gañán I, González XM, Eiroa E. 2009. Guía de los coleópteros del Parque Natural del complejo dunar de Corrubedo y lagunas de Carregal y Vixán. Xunta de Galicia. 95 pp. Descargar/download

  • Novoa F, Baselga A. 2006. Los Trilobites. Generalidades: pp. 295-300. In JA Tinaut Ranera, F Pascual Torres (Coords.) Proyecto Andalucía. Naturaleza, Zoología Tomo XV. Sevilla: Publicaciones Comunitarias.

  • Baselga A, Novoa F. 2004. Los Coleópteros y los Estresípteros: pp. 414-431. In F Cobo (Coord.) Galicia. Naturaleza, Zoología Tomo XI. A Coruña: Hércules de Ediciones.

  • Novoa F, Baselga A. 2004b. Los Trilobitomorfos: pp. 60-67. In F Cobo (Coord.) Galicia. Naturaleza, Zoología Tomo XI. A Coruña: Hércules de Ediciones.

  • Novoa F, Baselga A. 2004a. Los órdenes Ortopteroides: pp. 348-363. In F Cobo (Coord.) Galicia. Naturaleza, Zoología Tomo XI. A Coruña: Hércules de Ediciones.

  • Scholar